• 9809555561
  • zeolitewt@gmail.com


Water is a part of nature and it is very essential for the existence of all the creatures living on the earth. Environmental pollution is the un-favourable alteration of our surroundings, wholly or largely as a byproduct of man’s action through direct or indirect effects of the changes in the energy pattern, chemical and physical constitution and abundance of organisms.

Due to pollution and harsh effects of industries, the preserved water on earth is decreasing day-by-day, subsequently waste water from many commercial establishments like laundries, hotels and hospitals freely mix with sewage. The ground water level is diminishing year after year due to frequent environmental changes and that is severely affecting quality of water such as colour, odour, taste, hardness etc. where the water treatment systems are playing a great role to make the water as portable for use.

Multi-stage system are designed to breakdown waste water using mechanisms inspired by nature and by using series of anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic reactors systems deliver effective and economic sewage treatment.

We are providing process solutions for water and waste water treatment, liquids/solids separation and biological treatment needs for residential & industrial segments.